Informative Essays: Sentence Starters
Crafting those essays can be daunting. As an English major, even I sometimes struggled with this. Doing the research and taking the notes is the easy part. But the hard part is putting all that information together and writing an essay that flows beautifully from one thought to the next. And this didn’t always come easy for me. So I shouldn’t be surprised when it doesn’t come easy for my daughters.
A great essay starts with a clear outline where are all your hard work of researching becomes organized. However, using an example outline to guide your research is even better. In other words, the thought of researching a topic can feel a bit overwhelming and all the note taking becomes this scattered chaos. But when you look at an already completed outline, regardless of the topic, and use it as your guide on what things to research, what things to include or exclude, this keeps the whole writing process laser focused and organized from start to finish.
In this FREE resource you get a completed outline on dolphins that gives you a clear idea of what informative details need to be included when you do research for your topic. Using it as a quick reference really helps simplify the process on creating your own outline.
You will also get a list of sentence starters. You did the research, you organized it all on an outline, and now you have to write all those sentences. Truly the hardest part. These sentence starters calm the chaos in your head by giving you ideas on how to formulate beginning sentences for your introduction, main body and conclusion paragraphs. That extra guidance that makes essay writing just a bit more easier.
Also, if you’re needing assistance on transition words for your paragraphs, check out this FREE resource right here.
Download it below!