12 Scriptures To Declare Daily

I know many of you have been waiting on God for quite some time.

I definitely have been. My season of drought has been a long one. I have begged God, I have yelled at God, and I have felt utterly unloved by God.

Obviously life will always have its highs and its lows. It is inevitable. But going through really hard stuff and waiting on God year after year makes it very difficult to expect or believe for a better year.

However, let’s be encouraged. Psalm 5:3 tells us:

“In the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly.”

So I remind myself to put my feelings aside and focus on His word. And His word has so many promises for all of us.

Remember: whatever has happened or hasn’t happened should never convince you or me that God won’t do it.

Be expectant!

A couple of years ago I decided to compile a list of Bible verses on provision, protection, favor, etc.

I titled it Scripture Declarations and printed out a copy for me and copy for my husband. I also kept a PDF file on my phone.

I read these verses out loud on a daily basis as an affirmation, thanking God for what He is doing and will do.

I want to share this PDF with you and encourage you.

Think about it, if words have the power to bring life or death, then why not confess His word?

After seeing an experiment of an apple being sliced in half where one apple received words of encouragement and love and the other apple received words of hate, I became even more fired up about declaring God’s word out loud.

The apple that received life giving words was thriving. And the other one was rotting.

What comes out of our mouth has the power to bring something into fruition whether it be beautiful or awful.

I want God’s word flowing out of my mouth!

His living, breathing word that has the power to work everything out for my good.

I encourage you friends to print this declaration. Print a few copies. Keep one tucked in your bible, keep one on your kitchen counter, keep one in your phone. Declare these scriptures daily, hourly, as often as possible.

Every word we utter is a seed planted into the soil. Let it be His word. Imagine what will sprout and grow. Imagine the harvest!!!

Make 2024 a year of confessing His promises over your life.


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